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UZH Leadership and Governance Academy

Providers of Continuing Education and Consultation

The UZH Leaderhsip and Governance Academy acts as an umbrella structure, bringing together the diverse continuing education courses and consultancy services aimed at UZH leaders and managers and maintains close contact with the respective providers.

HR Development

A team of experts supports personnel and leadership development at UZH.

Professorships Department

The Professorships Department is involved in the procedure for appointing professors at UZH and is the contact point for all concerns of professors at UZH.

UZH Continuing Education - Center for Lifelong Learning

The Center for Lifelong Learning offers a wide range of in-house training for UZH leaders.

Graduate Campus

The university-wide platform for junior researchers also offers courses for professors on the topic of promoting and supervising junior researchers.

Employee Assistance Office (MBS)

The Employee Assistance Office (MBS) is an independent advisory service that supports you in untangling conflicts and developing solutions.

 H.I.T. Program

H.I.T. Program stands for "High Potential University Leaders Identity & Skills Training Program - Inclusive Leadership in Academia" and it is a unique leadership initiative for female professors in Switzerland.