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UZH Leadership and Governance Academy

Onboarding Day for Newly Appointed Professors

The Executive Board of the University welcomes you as a newly appointed professor to UZH!

You are warmly invited to attend the UZH Onboarding Day, where you will be personally welcomed by members of the Executive Board of the University. They will provide you with an introduction to the topics of research, teaching, and the organization of academic units at UZH.

Come and meet the representatives of the Executive Board, get to know your newly appointed colleagues, and gain an insight into the UZH strategies, goals, and diverse points of contact.

Target group

Newly appointed professors, but all professors are welcome to attend.

  • Governance, Values and Structure
  • Leadership and Management
  • Research and Teaching
  • Finances and Infrastructure
Date Thursday 18th September 2025, 1:00pm – 6:00pm
Please note: the evening reception with the President follows from 6:30pm.
Place University of Zurich, Orelli-Saal, Künstlergasse 15, 8001 Zürich KUN
Language English
Responsibility Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger

Vice President Faculty Affairs and Scientific Information


UZH Leadership and Governance Academy


Dr. Isabelle Odermatt


Registration form

Deadline: 12th September 2025

Weiterführende Informationen

Onboarding Day FS 2025